TO: Mark Aimes (
FROM: Mike Taylor (
SUBJECT: Legion of Battle alpha
Hey Mark
Mike, from Rampage Gaming. What's up? Just wanted to shoot you an email letting you know we've gotten the rights to Schwark's virtual gaming software. We're updating the alpha to use the VR tech...pretty seamless and quick so far. We should have something for you by the end of the month, probably could start in-house alpha testing then too. This is gonna be huge, a revolution in MOBA gaming!
Drop me a line if you need anything.
Mike Taylor
Programming Manager
Rampage Gaming
TO: Mike Taylor (
FROM: Mark Aimes (
SUBJECT: RE: Legion of Battle alpha
Good to hear! I've talked to the suits upstairs about publishing, they're on board! Really looking forward to how things go with integrating the tech. Keep me posted on your progress.
Mark Aimes
Community Relations Representative
Paranoid Games
TO: Mark Aimes (
FROM: Mike Taylor (
SUBJECT: LoB alpha playtest
Man, your mind will be blown when you try this out! Alpha testing's going bugs to work out but nothing with the VR...shit's flawless. The testers love it...really hightens the competitive feel of the games, BEING your avatar, feeling like you're there in the Arena of Battle. Let me tell you, you haven't played Gai-Bo until you've ACTUALLY seen the individual grains of sand he kicks up with his Wind Sweep, it's like being there in person. Really excited to send you guys a polished alpha in a little bit so you can try it yourselves!
TO: Mike Taylor (
FROM: Mark Aimes (
Just received your alpha, put it through its paces. The execs loved it! They're focused on nothing but the green, but everybody on the floor is thinking about the places this can go...different game modes and spinoffs you guys could throw together down the road. They did want me to ask if you were planning on a game version that didn't use the VR...the suits would prefer you did, since we're not seeing any of the returns...actually I'll talk with some people about sitting down with SchwarkTech and working out some bundle deal on the game, maybe that'll convince them to go VR only. No good not using the tech you've got to the fullest and pushing for further innovation, right?
By the way, the game feels really tight, really good. The graphics are superb and you can feel the frustrations of the enemy team as you push down their base...likewise your team's joy at winning. I thought you were BSing me on the emotive aspects but there's definitely something to it...really good for marketing purposes...don't think any game using Schwark's stuff can claim this. Whatever you guys have stuck into the code to make it work is phenomenal!
Looking forward to the next version!
Mark Aimes
Community Relations Representative
Paranoid Games
TO: Mark Aimes (
FROM: Mike Taylor (
Good to hear the execs liked it! Still hard at work at the .4 alpha, coming along well. Not sure what you mean with the stuff we stuck in the code though. We didn't do anything more than tweak it to use Schwark's VR. Whatever it is, it works...not gonna fix what ain't broke.
TO: Mark Aimes (
FROM: Mike Taylor (
SUBJECT: .6 Alpha
Progressing well. Getting closer and closer to the open beta! Rick's super excited, as is everybody else. He'll be conferencing with the publishing reps on Tuesday. It's weird, the further along we get with the project, the more realistic it becomes in the VR. Since all the testers have done it both ways, we've had to pay them a little more to play with an old-fashioned's just not the same. People won't want to go back to the old way after they've experienced Legion of Battle with SchwarkTech Virtual Reality!
The emotions are coming across stronger, too. Like I said, more real in every way. Won't be an "e"-sport for very much longer at this rate!
TO: Mark Aimes (
FROM: Mike Taylor (
SUBJECT: .8 Alpha Update
Hey Mark. Writing for Rick letting you know the contracts got through. He'll have them signed and returned by the end of the week.
Alpha progressing well. Not a lot of time to talk, sorry. Gotta get back to the bugfix marathon. Beta debuts in three months!
TO: Mike Taylor (
FROM: Mark Aimes (
SUBJECT: RE: .8 Alpha update
Sorry, Mike. I've been really busy on this end getting things ready for the beta release. The talks with Schwark went well, they've agreed to the bundle idea! Not the best split on purchases (65/35 in their favor) but better than nothing, and it's a foot in the door. What's more important is that now Paranoid Games and Rampage Gaming are at the forefront of the VR home gaming revolution!
Congrats on everything! Next time you're in town we'll have to go out for drinks to celebrate.
Mark Aimes
Community Relations Representative
Paranoid Games
TO: Mark Aimes (
FROM: Mike Taylor (
Open beta debuted, mostly highly anticipated MOBA release of all time, tens of thousands of players log on all at once, all of them using Schwark VR. You'd think that's great, best thing ever. No, man. We forgot something important when we were building up the VR, happy as pigs in shit that it was as real as it was.
We forgot the griefers! We've received notice from no fewer than six different law firms that Rampage Gaming is the target of class action wrongful death lawsuits after people were TROLLED TO DEATH playing our game! Cardiac failure, brain embolism, one of them offed himself after people rode his ass for speaking Spanish in teamchat...this shit's serious!
Mark, you gotta talk to people on your end, help us out here! There was no way we could have known!
The programmers I know like to say, "The problem with trying to write idiot-proof code is underestimating the ingenuity of idiots."
ReplyDeleteWelcome to #FridayFlash
Nice twist in the end. I like the way you had them talking past each other in the mails.